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This was a taped panel discussion on the future of government information and the Federal Depository Library Program. The panel included James R. Jacobs, University of California San Diego, Elizabeth Cowell, Stanford University, Mary Alice Baish, American Association of Law Libraries, and Patrice McDermott, American Library Association (ALA) Washington Office. Jacobs talked about GPO's future digital system and how it would effect access to and preseervation of government information as well as the privacy of government information users. Cowell talked about the Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe (LOCKSS) project at Stanford and how it could be of use as libraries begin to create their own electronic repositories of government information. Baish and McDermott did not have prepared talks, but instead answered questions from the audience regarding government information in print, authenticity of documents, and how libraries could be more proactive in lobbying Congress about the needs of libraries and citizens in the digital age.
The session is broken into 5 files for easier downloading. The are numbered consecutively "DLCsp05Godort1.mp3" to "DLCsp05Godort5.mp3".
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